Become a collaborator for the Wiki

We appreciate your interest in becoming a collaborator for our Nordics wiki! We welcome contributors who are passionate about the server and are willing to help us improve and expand our content. If you're interested in becoming a collaborator, here's how you can get started through GitHub:

  1. Create a GitHub account: If you don't already have one, you'll need to sign up for a GitHub account. It's free and easy to do.

  2. Fork our Nordics wiki repository: Once you have a GitHub account, you can fork our Nordics wiki repository to your own GitHub account. You can find our repository at This will create a copy of the repository that you can freely modify and work on.

  3. Make your contributions: After forking the repository, you can make the changes and additions you'd like to contribute to the Nordics Wiki. This can include creating new pages, editing existing content, adding images, or making other improvements.

  4. Submit a pull request: When you're ready to share your contributions with us, you can submit a pull request from your forked repository to our main Nordics Wiki repository. In the pull request, describe the changes you've made and why you think they should be included in the main wiki.

  5. Review and collaboration: Our team will review your pull request and provide feedback or suggestions if needed. We value collaboration and will work with you to ensure your contributions align with our Nordics wiki's guidelines and goals.

  6. Become a collaborator: After making valuable contributions and demonstrating a commitment to our Nordics wiki, you may be invited to become a collaborator with direct write access to the main repository.

We appreciate the time and effort you put into contributing to our Nordics wiki, and we look forward to potentially collaborating with you to make our wiki even better!

Last updated