Use of x-ray

If we have enough evidence to prove that a suspected player has used x-ray, the punishment usually consists of banning and fines.


Banning is considered because using x-ray is a serious rule violation that is both serious and difficult to commit by mistake. In cases of inappropriate language or spam in the chat, the boundary of what is allowed may be perceived as more fluid – different people may have different opinions – while with the use of x-ray, it is very clear. Either you have used x-ray, or you have not. If you have chosen to use x-ray, you must be prepared to face the consequences. Because it requires preparations, including installing it on your computer, it is a rule violation that we consider cannot be committed by mistake.


In addition to the risk of being banned, it is common to have to pay fines. This is because the use of x-ray allows rule breakers to earn large amounts of wealth in the form of, for example, in-game money or valuable items. If one were only to be banned, they would have had the opportunity to keep the wealth they earned, which affects the players who earn their wealth honestly. Combining the ban with fines is standard practice because we do not want rule breakers to have any advantage over honest players. The fines to be paid depend partly on the amount of assets one has and partly on the severity of the rule violation.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to know exactly how much someone gained from using x-ray, which leads to a rough estimate. Because we want to reduce the risk of rule breakers gaining unfair advantages over honest players, the fine amount usually ends up being higher than the wealth earned through the rule violation. Therefore, the practice regarding fines for using x-ray is too much rather than too little.

Heavily Punished?

Using x-ray is one of the most serious rule violations on Nordics. Compared to other rule violations, the penalties are often quite harsh. It is not uncommon that in cases of repeated offenses, one is banned for several months and forced to pay several hundred thousand in-game money in fines. Therefore, we recommend never to use x-ray, but instead play honestly. We very often confiscate tools and other items that have been used, in addition to monetary fines.

Last updated