Town Management
General Commands
/town set name <new name>
- changes your town name./town set mayor <player>
- allows you to transfer the mayorship of your town./town set board <message>
- sets the town board, which is seen on the scoreboard and by players when logging in./town set homeblock
- sets the homeblock of your town. Typing /town set spawn in a homeblock changes your town respawn point to where you are standing./town set tag <tag>
- sets your town tag, which will be shown in chat instead of your full town name.
Ranks and Town Leadership In a town, there are a number of predetermined ranks or levels. The number and type of ranks held may vary between towns. In addition to regular members, there are four ranks, each with different rights and duties. The exact chat commands available to each rank are described in the lists under the heading "Chat Commands" in the library's main menu.
Mayors can assign ranks to residents to aid them in administrating their town with /t rank add
The co-mayor has the same commands as the mayor except
They cannot delete the town
They cannot create a nation
They cannot set a new mayor
Can create an outpost
Can claim and unclaim land for the town
Can clear inactive player's plots
Can withdraw from town bank
Can grant ranks below councillor to residents
Has all lower rank perks
Can reclaim plots from players in the town
Can kick residents
Can build / destroy anywhere in the town
Can grant ranks below assistant to residents
Has all lower rank perks
Can add players to the town
Can put plots for sale / not for sale
Can build / destroy anywhere in the town (except resident claimed plots)
Can build / destroy anywhere in the town (except resident claimed plots)
Can add players to the town
Exempt from town taxes
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