Towny Guide
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Wondering how Towny works?
This guide is designed to walk you through the basics of managing Towns and Nations using the Towny plugin. Menus:
/n menu
/t menu
/plot menu
/towny menu
Command: /town new [town-name]
Cost: €250
Make sure you have enough money. You can check with /balance
Go to the area where you want the town center to be.
Run the command.
Command: /town claim
Cost: €5 per plot
Command: /nation new [nation-name]
Cost: €1000
Join a town: /town join [town-name]
Join a nation: /nation join [nation-name
Leave a town: /town leave
Leave a nation: /nation leave
Global Chat Message: Type ![message]
Global Chat Toggle On: Type /g
Town Chat Message: Type /tc [message]
Town Chat Toggle On: Type /tc
Nation Chat Message: Type /nc [message]
Nation Chat Toggle ON: Type /nc
Start Money: €60
Send money: Type /pay [name]
How to get money: Sell stuff, feel free to use the video guide below:
💸Making a Shop to Buy/Sell -Watch this video:
Make sure your town has enough money. You can check with /town
, and deposit more using /town deposit [amount]
Go to the area where you want the town center to be.
Run the command.
Creating a Nation:
Steps: Ensure your town is well-established. Make sure your town have enough money. Run the command.