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  • Bankruptcy now works as intended

    • Town will be deleted after 7 days if their bank runs out of money.

    • If a town has reached their debt cap and is unable to pay the upkeep with debt it will be deleted

  • Decreased the price of fish by 20%

  • All Christmas kits removed

  • Fishing Leaderboard (Player with the biggest catch will be displayed in the catalog)

New Rules: We recently discovered that client mods can cause crashes for players without any errors specified in the console. Therefore we would like to clarify our rules regarding the use of client mods

  • Client mods

    • Players are prohibited from using client mods that are known to cause server crashes or instability. Any client mods that have the potential to disrupt the server/player performance or cause crashes are strictly forbidden. Any concerns about specific mods should be brought to the attention of the server administrators for evaluation and approval before use.

  • Redstone rules

  • Passive and Active redstone farms

Active redstone machines are not allowed; however, passive machines are permitted with restrictions. They must not exceed 2 chunks in size, be stacked higher than 2 units, and should only be activated by observers, daylight sensors, or a player. Avoid constant activation of triggers, as it is considered active redstone.

  • Large scale redstone farms

Each town allows only one large-scale farm (except for bamboo and kelp farms), limited to 5 by 5 chunks on a single layer. Redstone components must stay within 20% of the total farm area and operate solely on player-initiated power. Prohibited are redstone clocks, daylight sensors, and continuous triggers; instead, a button press initiates one cycle of operation.

  • Redstone machinery

Non-farm-related redstone machines are welcome, provided they don't put undue strain on the server.

Last updated